Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Poop Day!"

This was yesterday....not "Poop Day" when we all officially adopted our children. These are the Vice Director and the Adminstrator of Dianjiang SWI.
Due to technical difficulties....more photos later!!!

Thought I'd add some text, until I have time to upload more pics. Here's a quick update until I catch up with this blog:

Mon. Oct. 13th was Gotcha Day!!!  What a wonderful day that was for us.  If you've read some of the other posts you will know that it happened very quickly.  As soon as we got to the orphanage, "The mom's" went to "washroom" (Chinese kind) and while that was going on, the officials were bringing the babies out to the dad's.   Well, Brent was calling me to get downstairs as Jada was going to be given to us.  Very quick....but Ohhhhh so much happiness!!!  All of us were in a small room, (some babies crying, lots of talking) when Jada was handed to us.  She was very calm and mellow!!!  In all of the confusion we thought she might react differently, but she just came to us and seemed very relaxed.  It was truly an amazing time!!!  Still can't believe we're parents!!!

Tues. Oct. 14th was our visit to the Civil Affairs office in Chongqing....where we officially became her parents.  There was a formal ceremony and everything (we will show you the photo album and gift we received when we return home).  This was also the day Jada took her first steps....well that had her daddy proud and worried.  You see, we haven't put up the baby gate yet....lots to do when we get home!!!  We are so proud of our little girl.  She is so good natured and smiles a lot!!!!  We are just getting used to her routines and everything in our hotel, and in a few days we will be off to Beijing where she will have to get used to her surroundings again!!!

Swimming in the pool in Chongqing
Jada's 3rd bath (the first two were quickies no time for pics!!)
Cheers!!! It's Alison's birthday!!
Happy Birthday Alison!!
Wed. Oct. 15th was Alison's birthday, the first time we went swimming, and our daughters first poop....or should I say 2 poops!!!  Daddy missed the first one as he went with a few of the other parents and our guide Anna to check out a place to eat.  Well....what an event.  Jada worked up such a sweat, and she got herself so upset that she puked all over me!!!  Then I changed her diaper, and sure enough she had finally pooped.  Brent was getting worried as she hadn't pooped in a couple of days and didn't want me to feed her much more!!!  Well, she pooped again when he came home, and he didn't even throw up!!!!  What a day!!!
Sound asleep on our bed.

Thurs. Oct. 16th was our tour of Chongquing.  We went to the Flying Tiger museum and to Eling Park.  Unfortunately it was a very smoggy day and we didn't get to see the view of the the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers.  Bought some very nice artwork and saw a man doing tradition Chinese Art.

Well, will add pics to these comments soon,
See ya soon,
Char & Brent


Fairview said...

Wow!, cute kid!!!!

Hey Brentwhite, how come you are in China and the picture shows you eating a 'burger and fries?

Will Char ever stop smiling?!!!!!

Send more pictures, we cant get enough!

See you soon, we cant wait top meet Jada.

Love, "The Boys" (and Cathy)

Blattafamily said...

Oh, we are so proud of Uncle Brentie not puking!! lol, and Jada not making him puke. Mychaela wants to let you know that Jada is sooooooo cute, we can't wait to squish her, lol xoxoxoxoxoxox. Lot of Love from Kelowna