Monday, October 13, 2008

Please sign up to leave comments on our posts!

Hey all you Group 15 fans, we'd love to hear from you!  Click on Comments at the end of a post and you will be prompted to sign up for a Google/Blogger account - then you can comment.  We're sorry for that, but we hope to avoid anonymous spam this way.


dallenvln said...

Wow! This is so exciting. So many tears of joy! Nika is absolutely adorable. The three of you look like you belong together! Thanks for taking the time to update the blog. We just love modern technology!

Lots of Love! Diane John and Scott

gracebend said...

Jeff and I are so very happy for all of you. Nika seems so slert and she's completely darling. Now you're a family of 3. Thanks for the updated blog - we love the pictures.

Much Love, Mom and Jeff

October 13, 2008 11:37AM