Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally, The Great Wall!!!

Dinner with "Krazy Kate!!" - love that hair!!!
Zen (the lone boy) enjoying some noodles at lunch!!

Exhausted after the trek!!

Daddy and Jada coming down The Wall - Very steep!!

Mommy, Daddy and Jada on the Great Wall!! What a beautiful day!
Alison and Sophie climbing up The Great Wall

Tannis, Lawrence and Kate climbing the Great Wall.

Daddy and Jada just before climbing The Great Wall

Four of us with our new babes outside the Jade factory

My other Dianjiang sister "Spicy" Kate and her mom Tannis!!

Xue Fei (Nika) another one of my "Dianjiang sisters"

Cuddling with mommy/Playing with daddy at 6:30 am (That's when Jada gets up usually!) before our big trek up The Great Wall.

What a wonderful 1st day in Beijing!!! The weather was perfect...the sky so amazingly blue!!! We were really expecting it to be smoggier. They say October is a good time to visit China, and I can see why. There are so many tourists here right now... The Great Wall was super busy!! Visited a jade factory and a silk factory and went for a group lunch. Also bought a few things along the way. An early medical appointment tomorrow. We need to be down in the lobby at 7:40am. Plan on doing some more shopping tomorrow!!!
xox Char & Brent
More technical difficulties:
(For some reason the pics/labels are in reverse order) The day start with Jada, mommy and daddy cuddling/playing!!!

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