Sophie enjoying her breakfast of champions - scrambled eggs, baked sweet potato, peaches and cheerios! Notice the two fisted approach.
Sophie sleeping outside the Olympic Water Cube. It is beautiful up close.
The famous 'Bird's Nest' - it was so crowded we stayed outside of all of the Olympic buildings. The girls were a great attraction here as well. Thank goodness for our translation card explaining about the babies - nodding and smilling just doesn't cut it!
Sophie still sleeping and Jada enjoying the crowds with Brent.
Sophie concentrating on slurping up her noodles. They are slippery little things and require two hands to get them in her mouth!
We had another great day in Beijing! The tour of the Olympic venues was fantastic. Brad loved seeing all of the places we spent so much time watching on t.v. The size of everything does not come through properly on t.v. It was incredibly crowded and we were not able to go inside the buildings - we would have been waiting hours for each one. While Sophie has been a great traveller, she's not that great! We went to another market in the afternoon and Sophie managed to sleep for almost two hours of shopping. The carrier has been indespensable (sp?) with all of the walking we've been doing. Tomorrow's trip is to the Forbidden City and Tien An Men Square. We can walk there from our hotel. We have our farewell celebration dinner tomorrow night. Somewhere in there I have to reorganize our suitcases ( and the extra bag we had to buy). I will try to post one more time tomorrow night - I can't believe it is almost time to go home!!!!
Love to all,
Brad, Alison & Sophie XXXOOO
p.s. Hi Division 4 - loved to see your comments!!! Sorry I can't do anything about math , I'm sure you can tough it out! I've missed you all - tell Jonah to check tomorrow's post, I'm working on a surprise for him!
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