Saturday, October 18, 2008

A quick post from Beijing

It was a long day!  All the babies passed out right as the bus pulled up to the hotel.  Fei Fei did well on the plane - we were concerned about the air pressure and her ear infection, but she seemed more preoccupied with playing.  We made the mistake of letting them serve food for both of us at once, and even though I distracted her with a bottle, she wanted to interact with every item on our food trays!  Today her personality really started to come out.  She was very stimulated by all the movement - bus, airport, plane, etc., and made cute cooing noises and flirty eyes with everyone all day long.  As a group we are quite the baby caravan and get lots of attention everywhere we go.  We had our first two public diaper changes, and Fei Fei did not like being shut inside the airplane lavatory with me on this odorous occasion.

In the hotel lobby we ran into Amelia, Mitch and Zen on their way to dinner!  So great to see them - Zen is such a big boy!  Looking forward to catching up with them tomorrow.  We also saw a crowd of parents-to-be in the lobby - as they saw us walking towards them they all cried, "Ohhh!"  They have just arrived and are headed to Jianxi for their babies.  They wanted to know everything about how our experience has been so far...on Day 6!

Tomorrow morning we leave early for the Great Wall - it will be a five hour outing.  We've also been forewarned about our 7:40am departure on Monday for our immigration medical appointments.  Oy vey!

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