Monday, October 6, 2008

Here is Sophie!

We have someone brand new to love at our house!!  Sophie is currently living in the city of Dianjiang in China.  She is 10 months old and (we think) absolutely beautiful.  Carson is very excited that he is now a big brother and has made a list of all the things he is going to teach her.  We hope you enjoy following our exciting journey to bring Sophie home!


Vendramin Family said...

Hi Alison and Brad,
Glad to hear that you have arrived safely! Got word from your mom about the purse. You rock! Can't wait to see pictures of Sophie on Monday. Looks like everything is going as planned for you guys. Keep the pictures coming.

Frechette said...

Hi guys,

So glad to hear that you are both together with Sophie! Great to see our new neice/cousin! We are enjoying seeing the pictures - keep them coming! Enjoy the rest of your time in China.

Take good care,
Love Tim, Rebecca,
Jessica and Brandon

Haley said...

Hi, its Haley. Sophie is so cute. Glad your having fun in China. I can't wait to see you and Sophie when you get back. See you soon